Juliet and Kristy Lee from Grow your Influence

Welcome to Grow Your Influence – A podcast for leaders.

Whether you own a business and have a team, or leadership is part of your role, welcome, you’re exactly where you need to be.

Join co-hosts Juliet Robinson and Kristy-Lee Billett for their regular conversations on all things leadership. No corporate jargon, no text book ideologies, just real life experience unpacked in a relaxed way to help you be your best boss, and lead your team with confidence, clarity and control.

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Leading Through a Downturn

There are clear steps leaders can take to bring their teams through a downturn and here we discuss how to deal with the anxiety a downturn in business can produce for our staff. 

Dealing with the mid year motivation slump

How to lead both yourself and your team out of this slump and how the power of language and the words we use can make a difference.

The Promises We Make

Discussing the impact it has on our teams when we don’t follow through on the promises we make, and how this has a damaging effect on morale and our people’s commitment to us as leaders, their role and the organisation as a whole.

Are You Being Undermined by Your 2IC?

Discussing the signs that you might see that help you identify if your 2IC might be undermining you and what you can do as a leader if you find yourself this a situation.

Do You Really Have A Team?

Juliet and Kristy-Lee are discussing ‘teams’ that are actually more a group of individuals working together and how we can build a team if we realise we don’t actually have one.

Leading Yourself

We talk a lot about leading others effectively, but we give little if any thought to leading ourselves. The truth is, you do need to start with leading yourself effectively.

The Summer Series Recap

Juliet and Kristy-Lee recap the Summer Series of interviews and share their favourite moments from the interviews that were conducted over the summer.

Why Holistic Wellbeing Makes You A Better Leader With Dr Masi

Dr Masi is the Founder of Herself Health which is a Leadership Health & Wellbeing company working with business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders and teams to empower them to be the best versions of themselves by being holistically healthy.

Strategies to Help You Avoid a Hiring Disaster with Recruitment Strategist Deb Houston

Today is Part 2 of our discussion where Deb and Kristy-Lee are discussing essential strategies to help you avoid a hiring disaster!

The 3 Biggest Hiring Mistakes we make with Recruitment Strategist Deb Houston

Deb Houston of Phlox Consulting is a Hiring Strategist and Mentor, she has been helping job-seekers and hiring managers nail their interviews and land their dream jobs and employees for more than seventeen years.

Dealing with Psychopaths at work with David Gillespie

This episode is the second part of our interview with David Gillespie. If you missed the last episode (episode 62) we recommend you go back and catch that first. In the last episode, David talked about how to recognise psychopaths at work and how you can manage the impact.

Dealing with toxic people at work with David Gillespie

Have you ever worked with someone who undermined you and left you and others in the team second-guessing yourselves? After his own experience working with someone like this, David Gillespie set out to understand what was going on and why people behave this way.

Leading with your head with Kirstin Ferguson

Kirstin Ferguson is one of the world’s most recognised leadership experts and talks with Juliet about her book, Head & Heart and delves into what leading with our heads looks like.

Fully Connected with Author Mel Kettle

Mel Kettle, an internationally recognised coach, speaker and author about some of the key lessons she has learned about taking care of herself and which she shares in her book Fully Connected.

Leadership Behaviours with Brett White

Brett is passionate about helping leaders, teams and organisations find their hidden potential. His hope is that as they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world
around them, they will create meaningful change.

The Power of Planning

Now is in fact the perfect time to be planning ahead, to ensure you are leading your team towards a successful year.

Boundaries – setting them and holding them

Most people don’t talk about boundaries because most of us aren’t aware of our boundaries until someone crosses them. Today we discuss the different types of boundaries and the challenges of articulating these.

Emotional management

Self awareness and understanding how to manage our emotions are fundamental aspects of leadership. Listen to strategies to help you stay in control of your responses and to help others in your team engage in difficult conversations without resorting to personal attacks.

Stepping into leadership of an established team

So often the people they are coming in to lead are doing well. The perils of ‘hitting the ground running’ and the importance of a comprehensive induction are two of the issues that need to be addressed.

What does an effective wellbeing programme look like?

Wellbeing programmes are gaining in popularity and can be valuable in assisting your team members deal with work and life, and everything in between.

Curiosity and the Power of Questions

When we are truly curious, and ask great questions, we undoubtedly find out more impactful and relevant information from our team. The problem is, too often we make assumptions about the people in our teams.

Effective Team Meetings

Bringing you a discussion Kristy-Lee had with Cat, the CEO and Lead Facilitator of Impactful Presenters, empowering business owners and community leaders to speak with confidence, authority, authenticity and impact.

It’s Not Your Responsibility

Do you feel like you need to look after your employees’ careers, life experiences or happiness?  If so, you are probably taking on way more than you should. Listen in on the impact it can have on both the leaders and the team members.

Leadership and Assertiveness

Being assertive is about more than being to ask for what you need without needing to override the needs of others.  This ‘goldilocks’ behaviour enables us to lead in a way that makes us feel good about ourselves and brings others with us.

Tackling Fear In Our Leadership Journey

Whether you are fearful of stepping into your first leadership role, or having a moment of feeling fear of tackling a tricky conversation, dealing with conflict or some other challenging situation, this discussion is for you.

Changing a Toxic Culture

We have all worked in an environment which had a level of toxicity. They’re not fun, they’re negative, unproductive and can be damaging to individual morale and to the success of a business. What do you do when you find yourself either inheriting, or leading, in a toxic environment?

Reward and Recognition Programs

How do you reward your team members? End of financial year is a good time to assess how your rewards and recognition programme is working and whether you need to be tweaking aspects of it to build skills and confidence.

End of Financial Year Planning

What we have found with the teams we work with is that this can be a really critical time of year to bring the team back together, re focus the goals, re align the objectives and get some new motivation happening.

Working with People Who Have Different Beliefs or Values to Us

How can we create workplaces that respect and create space for a variety of belief and values systems, without conflict and in a way that ensures everyone feels included and psychologically safe at work?

Working with Family

Juliet and Kristy-Lee discuss their experiences working with and supporting family run businesses, and the challenges and opportunities that can present themselves when working with family.

Understanding How to Use Our Voice for Influence and to connect with our teams

Kristy-Lee chats with Anne Maree Wilshire of Vibrant Voices. Anne Maree helps leaders and speakers whose voice is an integral part of their branding to become more impactful, to transform their voice style and message and speak with confidence and authority so they are a voice people want to hear.

Understanding our own neurodiversity as leaders and neurodiversity within our team

Kristy-Lee chats with Nicci Richman from Audir, who is a Diversity and Inclusion Consultant with a passion for supporting neurodivergent individuals within the workplace.

Juliet interviews Natalie Egleton, CEO of Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

In this interview with Natalie we chat about what leadership looks like in her world.

Leading With Passion with Monique Farmer, from Women Want Adventure

Monique is passionate about her ‘why’ and keeping her team connected, when they are all working out in the field. The ultimate “remote team”!

Changing Your Workplace Culture

We continue our conversation about culture and this time we are talking about what we need to do as leaders if we want to change our culture.

How to Build and Maintain Workplace Culture

Whilst we are often focused on goals and measures, culture, often described as ‘the way we do things around here’ is the X factor that will help us deliver.

Discussing Underperformance

No matter the reason, putting these conversations off is not doing the right thing by anyone, the employee, the business or yourself.

Understanding your Leadership Style

There is no one size fits all approach to leadership, we all have our own innate styles, and we adopt what we have observed or want to avoid from our own experience.

Creating Learning Opportunities for Your People

Discussing the benefits of learning in the workplace and investing in learning opportunities for your people. We share strategies that we are seeing work for the organisations we support.

Engaging and Motivating Your Team

We’re talking about one of the fundamentals of leading a team, and that is how to engage them, and how to motivate them, and what the difference is between the two.

Building Trust in Your Team – Part 3 of 3 Series

In each of the 3 episodes we’ll dive deeper into 2-3 of the pillars and unpack how in practice you can use that pillar to encourage trust in your teams.

Building Trust in Your Team – Part 2 of 3 Series

In this 3-part series of the podcast, we’re unpacking a specific framework around trust originally created by David Horsager, and what he refers to as the ‘8 Pillars of Trust’.

Building Trust in Your Team – Part 1 of 3 Series

A 3-part series on one of the most fundamental pieces of creating and cultivating a great team and culture – trust!

Navigating the Role of Co-CEO with Amanda Robinson

Amanda’s focus on building leadership capability brought Juliet and Amanda together and found her journey as Co-CEO so fascinating she invited her onto the podcast to share her experience.

Values and Behaviours

So often, if we articulate our values at all, we announce them, maybe include them in documents and don’t really focus on them any further.

Tackling Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like an imposter? That people will soon work out you don’t know as much as they think you do?

Why KPIs Are Critical To Your Employees Success

KPIs are such an important tool to measure the success of an employee in any role in your organisation, but as leaders we are often unsure of how exactly to craft them.

Mastering Delegation

As managers, leaders and business owners we all need to learn how to delegate, but the reality is for many of us it’s not something that we have practiced, or that comes naturally.

Holding team meetings our people want to come to

This is an episode we recorded during the long lockdown in 2021 when so many teams were meeting almost exclusively on Zoom or Teams, or weren’t meeting at all.

The Tricky Art of Saying ‘No’ To Our Staff

Often it’s because we are nice people, and want to be able to say yes all the time, but the reality is there will come a time where, for the good of the business, we need to say no.

Leveraging and Leading Different Generations in the Workplace

Today we’re discussing different generations at work and thoughts as to what forms different patterns of behaviour between the generations.

Pulling yourself out of a slump

Feeling a little less motivated than normal? Struggling to get your work life mojo back? You’re not alone, we’ve both been feeling this way too and so have many other leaders.

Dealing with high conflict people

You know the person – the one who seems unable to have a conversation without turning it into an argument.

Using psychometrics to know yourself and know your team

Pychometric tools are really useful in helping us build our self awareness – the foundation of leadership – and we love using them with teams.

Introverts, Extroverts and Ambiverts

We often hear about extroverts and introverts but how much do we really understand what that means? And what it means for how we work together and communicate with one another?

Setting Your Team Up for Success This Year

Some of the challenges when leading a hybrid team relate to how you keep your people connected and how you bring people back to the office when they are choosing to work from home.

Getting Yourself Ready for the New Year

Whether you’re a resolution fan, or like to choose a word or several words for the year, having some kind of ritual is useful.

Your First Leadership Role

In this episode we talk about our first leadership roles and some of our early failures.

The Right to Disconnect from Work

In this episode we talk about the challenges of disconnecting from work, particularly when we are working from home.

Setting and Upholding Boundaries

In this episode we are looking at how difficult it can be to set and hold our boundaries.

Inputs vs Outcomes

In this episode we are talking about one of the big challenges many business leaders are facing as COVID has forced their teams into working from home.

Difficult People

In this episode we tackle the bane of everyone’s work life: difficult people and how to deal with them, wherever they appear in your work life.

Building Trust in Hybrid Teams

In this episode we look at the complexities of building trust when your team is not all in the office or workplace together.